Greetings from the Land
Below The Wind
It is with much pleasure that I announce that the official website for the United Taekwondo Sabah Association (WTF) is now launched. It can be reached at and it will serve as the main information portal starting today.
Taekwondo has a long history in Sabah with an excellent track record. It is up to us now to bring it to a greater height. The last few years saw an increase in our atheles ability to compete in various local or national games with commendable result.
The incresing number of qualified instructors and referees also indicate that the Association is heading towards a right direction with its rebranding and internal restructuring.
With the introduction of the ESS system in our championship, the result has been very encouraging as technology has made our games fair, fast and efficient. To continue our effort in this regards, I am pleased that a team has been hard at work to introduce more technological advancement to our exisiting work flow. This website is one of those efforts besides the online registration process for various programs that are underway.
I look forward to your participation in making UTSA better, stronger and united.
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
Francis Langkab